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The director of an auto shop in Chernihiv Mykhailo Yakubets: "I`m glad that we`ve managed to outlast the siege and keep the business"

The director of an auto shop in Chernihiv Mykhailo Yakubets: "I'm glad that we've managed to outlast the siege and keep the business"

In a new year we continue on making interviews with our partners from different regions of Ukraine, to find out, how their businesses are working during the work.

Today we want to share a conversation with the director of an auto shop in Chernihiv Mykhailo Yakubets.

Roman Denisenko: Has your strategic view on the company development changed remarkably, how was it before the war and how is it now? What are the perspectives for your company development and the field on the whole you see for the nearest future?

Mykhailo Yakubets: At the moment we're focusing on keeping it up, not to lose the business we have now. At the beginning of the invasion, of course, we had different plans, wanted to expand and open new car repair shops, move in a direction of a proper auto service. In the future we will return to this question, as we have people and resources.

Roman Denisenko: What are your prior directions for today? What are you focusing on?

Mykhailo Yakubets: As to the shop, we are trying to work with tools; so previously we had only auto chemicals and spare parts, but now we are trying to expand our range of goods, to supply it with tools and equipment for car repair shops.

Roman Denisenko: It would be great to hear about the convenience of Omega services for your company, to receive an honest feedback.

Tell us, please, how convenient is it for you to use our program of selection?

Mykhailo Yakubets: I use it for categories and body parts. But it's quite uncomfortable when the server doesn’t answer for long time; so when you look for an item number, or an analogue of the item, you can deal with it. But when you open more categories and go between them, there is quite a huge lag in downloading. So I can say that I hardly ever use it.

Roman Denisenko: What can you tell about our delivery service? We would be pleased to receive an honest feedback on its quality and convenience for you.

Mykhailo Yakubets: I can tell only about the routes of 'today-to-tomorrow', they work from Chernihiv. Generally everything is okay, the only inconvenience – different time for delivery. It will be convenient if the goods arrive in a certain time period, for instance, from 11 to 13. Not necessary early in the morning, but just in the concrete time period, so we will be able to adapt to clients and create orders. The different time for deliveries let down a little bit. So it can happen, one week a car arrives at 9 o'clock in the morning, and I adapt to it and create orders, and also adapt work to myself, and the next week the car arrives at 13 or 14 o`clock. If it's possible to fix the time of the car arrival, it will be much more convenient.

Roman Denisenko: Do you use our EDF service, in particular, such electronic document flow programs as M.E.Doc, SOTA, Vchasno? Does it make the processes of receiving and sharing documents in the company easier for you?

Mykhailo Yakubets: Right now I use a program from other suppliers, not through Omega.

Roman Denisenko: How convenient is our returning service for you? How often generally do you need to make a return, and what is the most important for you in this process?

Mykhailo Yakubets:Convenient, everything`s okay, no questions. It's good that I can make returning with the program. I also like that I can return an item even if the period for returning is over. The only questions are with the limits of returns. We had such a practice in our country, and still have it, when a car has two kinds of bearing, and a client needs the car to be ready till a certain deadline; so we do not have an option to take the car to pieces and wait for a necessary part till the next day. There is a huge necessity to order both kinds of the part: one will be bought, the other - returned; however, Omega has quite strict fixed limits, I guess, one and a half percent for returning.

Roman Denisenko: These difficult times we all are thankful to the Armed Forces. Omega takes part in helping our army both with finances and cars.

If your company also does volunteering or helping to the army, could you tell us a little bit more about it?

Mykhailo Yakubets: Some percent of the trade funds we give to the foundation 'Come back alive'. Also I give oils and spare parts to the army men, but it's not tracked anywhere, and not fixed. It cannot be named as volunteering; we just regularly help those army men, who address us.

Roman Denisenko: What are the achievements of your company for last year you are mostly proud of?

Mykhailo Yakubets: I don't take it as an achievement, but I'm glad that we've managed to outlast the siege and keep the business. We continue working, helping, and developing.

Also I would like to add that, generally, I'm really satisfied with the performance of Omega. I like the fact that you have Ukrainian manufacturers in the range. I'm satisfied with the returning system, displaying the time of delivery during ordering, and other functions as well. Also I want to highlight the work of managers and warehouse workers, who pack each single item, and drivers, who work under cruel weather conditions.

Roman Denisenko: Thank you for your paid attention! It was very interesting! Goodbye!